TUMI Inclusive Urban Mobility

Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

A collaboration between Kota Kita, Kaki Kota Banjarmasin, UNESCO, and the Banjarmasin City Government to raise public awareness of inclusive planning and build the community's capacity to design and implement pilot programs in the city through a citizen-driven process.

In recent years, the city of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan has progressively taken efforts towards inclusive city and initiated visible access along the main roads. However, many neighborhood streets are yet to be addressed - missing the final mile.

This effort is supported by the City Government of Banjarmasin and local organization, Kaki Kota. The research is part of a wider project, “AT2030: Life Changing Assistive Technology for All" led by the Global Disability Innovation Hub.

Building on a long-standing collaboration with Kaki Kota Banjarmasin, UNESCO, and the Government of Banjarmasin, we have been working to raise public awareness of inclusive planning and build the community's capacity to design and implement pilot programs in the city through a citizen-driven process. Working with city officials, academics, practitioners, as well as persons with disabilities, five proposed activities were developed: inclusive neighborhood, safe and inclusive school zone, inclusive mobility as a new economy, inclusive mobility as public service, and accessible river promenade.

The project is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Asian Development Bank (ADB), and received a Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) Global Urban Mobility Challenge 2019 award.

In 2019, we focused on establishing stakeholder engagement efforts and began implementing two pilot projects:

  • A safe and inclusive school zone

    Together with Banjarmasin's Department of Transportation (DoT), the schools, and Urban+ Institute, we are working to improve the crosswalk area of two inclusive schools - SDN Gadang 2 and SMPN 1- by establishing tactical traffic management, thus providing safe and accessible parking, drop off and pick up areas for all.
  • Inclusive mobility as a new economy

    To support persons with disabilities in Banjarmasin with access to inclusive mobility and new sources of income, We are working with Difabike, authorized technical workshops, universities (Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta and Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin), schools (SMAN 2 Model Banjarmasin and SMK NU Banjarmasin), and the persons with disabilities (PwDs) community.

Through improved services, awareness and infrastructure, citizens of Banjarmasin — especially those with disabilities, marginalized, and underrepresented ⁠— will have better access to their needs and neighborhood, ultimately providing a sustainable foundation of equal mobility for all.